The short answer is he is a fanatical right wing Zionist who has made billions of dollars from gambling and it seems prostitution also. He is being investigated by the authorities in China where he has the biggest casinos on earth, because they say they found 100 prostitutes working in one of them and they are investigating his ties to organized crime in China. The US Justice Department and the Securities Exchange Commision are investigating also.
Adelson is of the opinion that Obama is not sufficiently compliant with Israel's wants and needs (Adelson is an unabashed Israel firster).
Read about him and his shabbos goy Romney here on this blog. It's a matter of the life and death of your country.
Sheldon Adelson's and Bibi Netanyahoo's favorite shabbos goy Newt Gingrich was an epic fail and they've gone to plan B- Mitt "The Mormon" Romney
VIDEO RELATED TO:Macau Police Arrests More Than 100 Prostitutes At Venetian Casino
BY dunite
More than 100 women have been arrested by Macau police on charges of prostitution at the plush Venetian Macao Resort Hotel and Casino, one of the largest and luxurious resorts built...
VIDEO RELATED TO:Macau Police Arrests More Than 100 Prostitutes At Venetian Casino
BY dunite 

More than 100 women have been arrested by Macau police on charges of prostitution at the plush Venetian Macao Resort Hotel and Casino, one of the largest and luxurious resorts built...
On 03.08.12, By Max
“US President Barack Obama is ‘naïve’ and needs to face up to the threat presented by the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood across the Middle East, Israel’s National Security Council concluded during a strategic discussion several days ago,” Israel Hayom reported.
The Israeli National Security Council consists of Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s closest advisers. And Israel Hayom is not just another right-leaning Israeli tabloid. Referred to by Israelis as the “Bibiton,” or Bibi’s mouthpiece, the paper is an instrument that gives him extraordinary political leverage. The obviously planted article in Israel Hayom rang like a bell sounding the start of Netanyahu’s own campaign in helping the Republican Party oust Obama from the White House.
Israel Hayom’s genesis demonstrates the depth of Netanyahu’s connections in Republican circles. It was created by one of Netanyahu’s top financial supporters, a Las Vegas-based casino tycoon named Sheldon Adelson, who is also a major donor to the conservative wing of the Republican Party. Adelson’s closest relationship is with former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a longtime ally of Netanyahu who has been running a rancorous campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.
Netanyahu’s less than subtle intervention has become an open issue in Israeli politics. Opposition leader Tzipi Livni of the Kadima Party has criticized Netanyahu for damaging the US-Israeli relationship. “Netanyahu spoke about consensus,” Livni said in May, “and if there is a consensus in Israel, it’s that the relationship with the US is essential to Israel, and a prime minister that harms the relationship with the US over something unsubstantial is harming Israel’s security and deterrence.”
But Livni’s warning has been ignored. Rather than hesitating, the prime minister and his inner circle are moving full steam ahead in their political shadow campaign whose ultimate goal is to remove Obama. Bibi’s war against Obama is unprecedented. While Israeli prime ministers have tried to help incumbent presidents, none have ever waged a full-scale campaign to overthrow them.
Netanyahu has engaged enthusiastic allies in the Republican Congress, led by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and within the right-wing media. His neoconservative allies in Washington are launching a “Super PAC” to generate emotional attack ads against Obama and any candidate that might be an obstacle to his policies. And his campaign has even broadened into an attempt to discredit The New York Times, whose editorial page and foreign policy columnists, Thomas Friedman and Roger Cohen, have been critical of him.
Netanyahu’s shadow campaign is intended to be a factor in defeating Obama and electing a Republican in his place. He opposed Obama’s early demand to freeze settlements on the West Bank as a precondition for reviving the peace process, a process since the Oslo Accord that Netanyahu has attempted to stall or sabotage, despite his signing of the Wye Agreement under pressure from President Clinton. Since his adamant stand against the settlement freeze, Netanyahu has undermined every effort to engage the peace process. He appears dead set on consolidating Greater Israel, or what many Israelis call “Judea and Samaria,” and has signaled a strong desire to attack Iran.
By all accounts, Netanyahu’s personal chemistry with Obama is toxic. Obama bristles at his belligerence. But Netanyahu’s hostility has reaped rewards from him, having stopped the peace process in its tracks. The latest effort by the Quartet seems doomed to failure. And Netanyahu’s rejectionism has put Obama on the defense. Most of the US Jewish establishment has remained a bulwark for Bibi’s policies. Obama, meanwhile, has been forced to declare America’s “unshakable bond” with Israel, even as Bibi thwarts Obama’s initiatives and attacks him in the Israeli press.
As political strategy, by tainting Obama as less than full-throated in support of Israel, Netanyahu bolsters the Republican themes that the president “apologizes” for US power, is weak on national security, and is an agent of “decline.” By depicting Obama as “weak” on Israel, Netanyahu’s campaign excites right-wing Jews and evangelical Christians, who overwhelmingly accept the biblical claims of the Jewish state’s historical right to Greater Israel, Judea and Samaria. Bibi’s deepest attack line against Obama merges theology with ideology.
His campaign against Obama is a high-stakes gambit that will almost certainly color US-Israeli relations well past Election Day. Already, Netanyahu has succeeded in polarizing the political debate, as his agenda is singularly aligned with the Republican Party. Yet Bibi’s short-term objectives are rapidly turning the US-Israel relationship, at least under his aegis, into a partisan issue, another litmus test of conservative ideology rather than national interest.
His campaign against Obama is a high-stakes gambit that will almost certainly color US-Israeli relations well past Election Day. Already, Netanyahu has succeeded in polarizing the political debate, as his agenda is singularly aligned with the Republican Party. Yet Bibi’s short-term objectives are rapidly turning the US-Israel relationship, at least under his aegis, into a partisan issue, another litmus test of conservative ideology rather than national interest.
If you were Sheldon Adelson how much would you spend to get a new Justice Department?

A lawyer for casino magnate Sheldon Adelson has threatened to sue the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for "maliciously branding Mr. Adelson as a pimp" in statements it made about the deep-pocketed Republican donor's ties to the Chinese mob.
In a 2 1/2-page letter dated Monday to DCCC press secretary Jesse Ferguson, Adelson attorney Lewis J. Clayton condemns the committee for claiming that Adelson benefited from a "Chinese prostitution strategy" and asks for a full retraction of two statements circulated by the DCCC.
"Mr. Adelson does not tolerate prostitution -- let alone, as you have said, make money from it," Clayton wrote to Ferguson. "The fact is that Mr. Adelson has consistently objected to and maintained a strong policy against prostitution, a commitment that extends to his personal life.
"These false allegations constitute libel per se entitling Mr. Adelson to compensatory and punitive damages," Clayton wrote.
Ferguson said Tuesday evening that the DCCC is reviewing Clayton's letter, first reported on Tuesday by the Las Vegas Sun's Jon Ralston.
Last month, the Associated Press reported that Adelson "personally approved of prostitution and knew of other improper activity at his company's properties in the Chinese enclave" of Macau. Las Vegas Sands spokesman Ron Reese and attorney Brad Brian denied the allegations, made in court documents by a former chief executive fired from the Macau casino.
The DCCC pounced on the accusations in a June 29 statement under the headline "Breaking: House Republicans' Biggest Donor Approved 'Prostitution Strategy' in China." Clayton also took issue with a July 2 statement from the DCCC that asked what House Republicans will do "when their Chinese prostitution money comes from billionaire Sheldon Adelson."
Earlier this month, Politifact handed down a "Pants On Fire" rating to the DCCC talking point that Adelson-backed candidates are receiving dirty money.
Adelson is the biggest U.S. donor to super PACs in this election cycle, having doled out at least $36.75 million through the end of June. He and his family bankrolled a super PAC that helped to keep Newt Gingrich's campaign afloat during the Republican primary. Since then he and his wife have made contributions to the super PAC backing Mitt Romney, both super PACs linked to the House Republican Majority and to a super PAC supporting Texas Senate candidate David Dewhurst. His giving is expected to soar higher with contributions to non-disclosing efforts like those of the billionaire Koch brothers.
A ProPublica investigation published on Monday did little to squash mounting evidence that Adelson's Macau operation has been linked to shady business practices. ProPublica reported that Las Vegas Sands "granted tens of millions of dollars in credit to a junket backed by" Cheung Chi Tai, a Hong Kong businessman that a 1992 Senate report considered a key player in Chinese organized crime.
Reese did not immediately return a request for comment on Clayton's letter Tuesday evening.
Amanda Terkel contributed reporting.
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